HP Nguyen

I'd rather be playing video games. But I like to write sometimes.

“Why Research?”: A Question Without an Answer

This addition of Professor in the Pub aimed to answer the anticipated question of “Why Research?”, yet  students’ perpetual dilemma of pursuing...

Outraged by Underfunding: Should Students Reconsider a Career in Academics?

Czech higher education is underfunded, according to the newly released 2024 education budget, predicting a future lacking in teachers and researchers as...

A Walk Through Eight Decades of Students’ Revolutions for a Nation’s...

AAU’s Dr. Joshua Hayden led a tour on November 17 through the heart of Prague to reflect on the power of student...

A Guide to Halloween FOMO

Rejoice, all couch potatoes: this list of Halloween destinations will get you in the spooky spirit without draining your social battery. 

Upcoming Jubilee of Modern Craftsmanship at Designblok 2023

Designblok 2023 celebrates its 25th anniversary as the largest design and fashion festival in Central Europe, showcasing the growth of arts and...

Platform Doors Open Up a New Era of Automatic Metro

The first two platforms at Zličín Station are restricted to commuters, beginning September 8, for the installation of automatic doors in an...