This addition of Professor in the Pub aimed to answer the anticipated question of “Why Research?”, yet students’ perpetual dilemma of pursuing academia post-graduation was left unresolved.
The discussion revolved around the importance and danger of passion in research with topics ranging from biases to artificial intelligence. The only question left untouched was a solid answer for “Why Research?”.
“I came here to figure out whether research is right for me in the future, but so far we’ve only discussed passion,” a second-year student complained in front of the panel.

Professor in the Pub is a monthly event that brings the Anglo-American University’s community together to have a drink and discuss important political events happening around the world. This month’s topic differed from the usual structure by introducing a more pragmatic topic unrelated to international relations.
A lack of resolve from the main question was compensated by insights into the ethics in research often unseen by outsiders. Although biases were universally frowned upon by academics, many professors perceived complete objectivity as hindrance to scholarly diversity.
“By letting ‘historically evil’ perspectives into research, we allow for different interpretations to exist within the comprehensive picture of history,” AAU scholar Daria Zhukauskaite expressed.
Professors also hinted at alternatives for students to acquire knowledge without a career in research, suggesting field experience as applicable as theorist work.
“Don’t underestimate a generalist over a specialist. A businessman may know more about money than an economist,” International Relations professor Robert Warren said.

The evening concluded with a heartwarming consensus from the participants to continue pursuing academia even if AI has obtained ubiquitous knowledge.
“Researching is like learning with a child-like curiosity again. The journey of learning is more important than the end goal to me,” AAU student Alisa Goma said.