The Holešovice community petitioned to save the Maniny tram stop amid Prague’s widespread infrastructure reformation, gathering over 500 signatures from commuters and locals to protect the transportation link from disappearing for several years.

Matouš Pudil, an architect and local resident, has initiated the petition to combat the temporary closure of the Maniny tram stop. The movement gathered momentum beyond the community with 1,000 signatures underway, aiming to address their concerns before the Prague 7 Municipal Council passed the motion.

The petition asserted citizens’ concerns for the potential inconvenience in commuting   for the next several years, considering the ongoing construction of the nearby Libeň Bridge that obstructed any form of transportation. However, according to the city, the stop was expected to resume full operations by March 2025.

Photo extracted from Matouš Pudil’s email

“Please help me! 1000 signatures are not unrealistic at all– they are enough if everyone gets two signatures. With such a number, we would already have a great chance of success!” Pudil said in an email sent to the petitioners, calling on supporters to reach out to their neighbors, friends and colleagues to gain traction.

AAU students and the Zeitraum residents heavily rely on the Maniny tram stop to get to AAU, and Prague’s center. Reduced tram services and bus redirection  forced them to walk to the further alternative tram stops like Dělnická or Libeňský Most, adding time and inconvenience to their daily routines.

“I never thought I’d miss a tram stop this much,” AAU student and Zeitraum resident Emilly Da Silva said. “Losing Maniny means sacrificing four crucial minutes of sleep to walk to Dělnická, and those minutes were my entire buffer for running late.”

Although met with general civil support for its aesthetic, the reconstruction of the Libeň Bridge has disrupted many tram routes in the city alongside Maniny, raising disapprovals from the local Holešovice community. 

“I miss tram number 27, such a beautiful tram that goes along the river,” Zeitraum resident Lucia said.

The petition can be signed online and will serve as a critical piece of community feedback in discussions with the Prague Public Company (DPP) and City Hall. The link to the petition can be found here.