Ján Tompkins
GOLDEN QUILL: The Váh and her Clapboard Boat by Jan Tompkins
The Váh and her Clapboard Boat
Spaghetti & the vast Virgins of volatile sleep and conformity –
wanting home in the dawn of the eve
you brush...
GOLDEN QUILL: You Left Me At 7-Eleven That Night
you left me at 7-Eleven that night
and you asked what
I was doing wandering the
sweet neon aisles of
windshield liquid and
Little Debbie pies late night
at that...
GOLDEN QUILL: Where’s My California? by Ján Tompkins
You weren’t born broken, you were born whole and perfect and then broke yourself.
You were everything this world needed: open-hearted, soul-guided, optimism-filled
The world smiled...