A sustainable fashion show organized by an AAU student is set for this Saturday in Prague 1, featuring the works of five local designers.

Natalia Krivošeinová designed “Project Runway” hoping to provide a platform for young creators to showcase their art.
“I want them to have things they can put in their portfolio, and I want other people to know about them,” she said.
The designers, photographers, models, and makeup artists are Gen Z students, which the organizer believes will give the show an extra edge.
She said she drew inspiration for the event during her summer internship at Reluvotion, where the CEO, Nicholas Dungey, helped facilitate the show.
“The way everything came together is through a lot of networking through friends,” said Krivošeinová.
The runway will feature 20 models provided by Karolína Görgová, owner of the modeling agency Rare Models.
Safe Space Bookstore, a vegan cafe offering feminist and queer literature, is also supporting “Project Runway” by supplying backstage catering for the models.
“Everyone that’s doing the project is doing it because it’s something they enjoy,” Krivošeinová said, promising an energetic and passion-filled atmosphere.
The show will take place at the Sláva Concept Store, located near Old Town Square off the busy Celetná Street in a romantic, light-strung alley. The venue offers 20 seats, additional standing room, and no cover charge.
Tereza Vachova, founder of the concept store, plans to open the doors at 18:00 to allow visitors to enjoy an open bar and browse the store’s design pieces before the show starts at 19:00.