Deciding where to go for a holiday? Or looking for a more reasonable price of the flight tickets? Follow some practical tips that will not only help you to find cheap deals for a desired destination, but also chances are the new findings will get you out exploring foreign lands the ongoing vacation already.
Be flexible
The golden rule for budget traveling is being flexible, time- and destination-wise. One of the most useful websites is It offers a wide range of options to find the best deals.
  • Dates
The website allows you to play with it:  not only you can type specific dates of the potential journey, but also to select a “date range” for either departure or return ticket. What’s more, the button “anytime” throws at you some ridiculous fares (e.g. a return trip to Bari, Italy for only 52 euros). You would only need to fit the days offered with your schedule, or just be lucky and find the dates that work for you.
  • Destinations
Another useful tool is a search of the destination by country or radius. You choose any area on the world map and the website takes you to all airports in the region to compare and choose. You can press the “anywhere” button and have the whole range of cheap deals to the all sorts of destinations the world can offer.
* The best way is to combine the dates range suitable for your vacation and have no plan for it. Be ready just go literarily anywhere.
Research more
The Skypicker is good place to start a research. Keep in mind, that it is still a broker website, and the final price might be even less. Go directly to the official websites of the airlines. You may find other prices and check out the deals they offer. Chances are the fares are even lower, or not. All you need is to check.
“No Return”
Very often, a one-way ticket is a lot cheaper than a ‘package’. A “no return” can be either a start of your adventure or its end.
Build a Eurotrip
Just 16 euros can take you all the way to Brussels, or 19 euros, to Milan. From there you can find your way back home by some other means, like train or bus. Decide on the final destination first and book your flight back home from there.
No one knows how these flight fares algorithms exactly work. It often depends on how lucky you are. Every time you plan a trip, and suddenly stumble on a ‘million dollar deal’, don’t wait. Don’t think too long – the prices are changing very quickly. Grab it until it’s gone!
These tips are solely a personal experience. Try it yourself and see where life takes you.  It’s fun.